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[Apatite] Horny Mother - Her aching body can't contain its lust -

系列作: アパタイト

Overview: I,Kashima Takeo,was drinking alone. On the first day of the long holiday,my wife and I went back to our hometown with our first born child. As for why I was drinking alone... My wife took the child and retired to her room early. My father-in-law also drank too much and got drunk,so my mother-in-law took him to the couple's bedroom. (Drinking alone is... boring.) I had to pee so I went to the bathroom,and when I tried to return to the living room... I noticed that the door to my parents-in-law's bedroom was not closed completely. "Hmm... hmm... mmm... mmm..." A muffled moan came from inside. My mother-in-law was wriggling her plump ass cheeks while sucking my father-in-law's penis. Deep inside her underwear,her 43-year-old vagina must be blooming wetly. Seeing this scene,my male blood boiled violently (my father-in-law seems to be very drunk... he might not notice...) I quietly opened the bedroom door and tiptoed in. I crouched down behind my mother-in-law and put my hands on her underwear that was clinging to her plump buttocks...

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